Welcome to Gridiron Club Newsletter - Edition N° 004
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Latest News :

International Tournament "Mediterranean Championship 2020"

Inscriptions for International Tournament "Mediterranean Championship 2020" - September 2020 - Marina di Ravenna, Italy
Tackle 9v9 Male and Female, Flag 5v5 Male and Female !!
Inscribe yourself or your Team
5 days of Sport, Culture, Tourism and Fun in nice touristic village of Romagna's Coast of Mediterranean Sea
We would like to remember possibility to individual inscriptions, making part of Team Europe !!!
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Team LOBOS GRISES FOOTBALL MEXICO, MASTER category team (over45) originally from Mexico, sign a Partnership Letter with IAAFL with the objective of developing the sport of Gridiron Football in the two countries and in their respective continents,
Team LOBOS GRISES FOOTBALL MEXICO is evaluating possibilities to partecipate to new IAAFL WildCardLeague,
a World proyect for teams Over45 years old.


WCL is the new World League reserved to Teams Master or Over45 around the World. 4/5 matches classification over two years and Final Fase celebrated during CSIT WorldSportsGames in every odd years. Teams from Europe and from LatinoAmerica are ready to start this proyect. First Inaugural match (not confirmed) during Mediterranean Championship September 2020.


Inscriptions to the Gridiron Club come from every corner of the World....
Starting with Italy and France, with mayor presence in our Club,
Mexico and other countries begin to have number of Representant in our Club
But inscriptions come from every part of the World..
We receive inscriptions from Russia like from Colombia, passing from Argentina, downing to Pakistan, India and finishing in Africa
see graphic for Countries

Next one is graphic represented by Team !!

Inscriptions come regularly every day.....


CRFL President Dani "Disco" Herrera, announce CRFL Flag Proyect in CostaRica.
Male, Female and Kids the categories who partecipate to the next CRFL Flag Championship.
Read more about this big proyect of our VicePresident

About Gridiron Club :
  • What is Gridiron Club

Club Gridiron is the open and free club for every fan of Gridiron Football (Original name of American Football)
  • Why join Gridiron Club

Be updated with developpment of Gridiron Football in the World
Be updated on the national and international activities of IAAFL
Priority of joining the events organized by IAAFL
Get discounts on participation prices in events organized or sponsored by IAAFL
Enter in contact with lot of fan all around the World
  • Why you are inscripted in Gridiron Club


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you are affilied to AICS, Italian Association for Culture and Sport
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  • Where I could find my inscription?

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or write an Email to clubgridiron@iaafl.eu with subject="Retrieve Password" with your Name and Surname
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