Welcome to Gridiron Club Newsletter - Edition N° 002
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Latest News :

International Tournament "Mediterranean Championship 2020" - Ready WebPage with infos:

IAAFL is proud to announce International Tournament "Mediterranean Championship 2020" - September 2020 - Marina di Ravenna, Italy
Tackle 9v9 Male and Female, Flag 5v5 Male and Female !!
Inscribe yourself or your Team
5 days of Sport, Culture, Tourism and Fun in nice touristic village of Romagna's Coast of Mediterranean Sea
read all articles...
See dedicated WebPage...

Expansion of Gridiron Club:

Inscriptions to the Gridiron Club come from every corner of the World....
Starting with Italy and France, with mayor presence in our Club,
Colombia and other countries begin to have number of Representant in our Club
But inscriptions come from every part of the World..
We receive inscriptions from Russia like from Mexico, passing from Argentina, downing to Pakistan, India and finishing in Africa
see graphic for Countries

Next one is graphic represented by Team !!

Inscriptions come regularly every day.....

(...SEE MORE) -->

IAAFL/BCGI World University Championship, WE START:

After initial study of the proyect from two side...
IAAFL, together with his alleate BCGI, (Board of Control Gridiron India)
are prouds to announce date for future World University Championship that will be held in India..
February 2022 - India

23 June 2020 IAAFL Online meeting - Presentation next activities:

Srarting at 20:45 Rome Zone,
Angelo Giannuzzi, IAAFL Technical Department, talked about next future programmes of association.
First of all, terms and rules to participate to next NFLI Winter League, the italian winter league of Arena Football 8v8 that will start in Octuber 2020
Second part of presentation we talked about next Mediterranean Championship in September 2020 in Italy and
successively we talk about international events and FLAG section.
Various people especially from Italy partecipated to the discussion

25th June 2020 IAAFL / AFFAM Meeting Online:

25th June 2020, representants of IAAFL and AFFAM, (American Football for Africa Mission) meet together to discuss possibility to sign an Accord of Collaboration beetween two entities. A couple of hours talking ab ...SEE MORE

NFLI Italy Winter League - Ready Rules, Modalities and Inscriptions:

World is again under crisis of COVID19,
but IAAFL thinks about future....
NFLI League, the Italian League associated with IAAFL International, publishes Rules, Modalities and Terms for Inscription
to next Winter League (...SEE MORE)

New Member of the IAAFL Italy Family - Marco Bozzarini:

30th June 2020 - Coach Marco Bozzarini
was designed like IAAFL Italy Commissioner for Central Conference
From all IAAFL family good luck for his new role and welcome on board
(...See short video of him....)

New Member of the IAAFL Colombia Family - Fernanda Palma:

IAAFL Colombia is proud to announce new member of the family
Ms. Fernanda Palma, players of Reapers Bogota is now the new Manager for Colombia Flag Football
Welcome on Board Fernanda and good work !!!! (...SEE MORE)

About Gridiron Club :
  • What is Gridiron Club

Club Gridiron is the open and free club for every fan of Gridiron Football (Original name of American Football)
  • Why join Gridiron Club

Be updated with developpment of Gridiron Football in the World
Be updated on the national and international activities of IAAFL
Priority of joining the events organized by IAAFL
Get discounts on participation prices in events organized or sponsored by IAAFL
Enter in contact with lot of fan all around the World
  • Why you are inscripted in Gridiron Club


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